I’m glad you’re here.

Howdy! My name is Gaby Alter (they/them) and I’m a comedian, actor, singer, dancer, visual artist (think zines + comics), and clown.

What am I up to you ask?

Performing around NYC as a stand-up, clown, actor, and dancer. Most recently, I made my Lincoln Center Debut as part of the corp of “Table of Silence”, choreographed by Jacqulyn Buglisi. I’m headed back to finish my undergrad after my jail-break from private education to figure some things out about myself and the world, I came to the conclusion that a public university was a better fit for me morally and energetically. Until then, I commune with nature as much as possible, hang with my cats, play guitar, draw to my heart’s content, participate in activism, and think too much. Peace and love!

Trans & Transcontinental babyyy

I was born in Warsaw, Poland and spent the summers in Poland with my family and the school year in San Diego, California. I speak English, Polish, French, and am learning Spanish, Italian, and Japanese and always working to stay fluent in IPA and perfect my dialect work for both my comedic and dramatic pursuits.